Thursday, May 9, 2013

"Oh snap!" she thought as she found some photos from last year.

I didn't have a very great day yesterday. I had woken up feeling bitterly down and remained that way for much of work here at the intersection of Kensington and Alleghany. Somewhere during the day however, it occurred to me that I still had two rolls of film in my backpack that I had meant to take someplace to get developed. It occurred to me that the Walgreens around the corner had a one-hour photo service, so I decided to drop my rolls of film and one survived the process.

My day was brightened by discovering these photos that I had taken just about a year ago. I have other photos, but I wanted to share ones from my time at the Wild Goose Festival, including the pretty snazzy double exposure of my dear friend Joel. I also got some snaps of Aaron Weiss with David Wimbish and the Collection. Last year was an adventurous summer and getting to see these pictures made me wish that I had started taking photos with my beloved analog cameras when Mission Year began.

 Definitely something I wish to do more often.

Peace be with you,

1 comment:

  1. Rachel you beautiful soul! I miss you. These photos are lovely!
